Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan
Masyarakat (LPPM) Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) TAZKIA, Bogor,
mengundang para akademisi dan praktisi yang memiliki perhatian dalam
pengembangan ilmu ekonomi Islam untuk mengirimkan tulisannya berupa
naskah ilmiah pada jurnal ekonomi Islam TAZKIA Islamic Finance &
Business Review (TIFBR).
Artikel yang akan diterbitkan oleh TIFBR adalah tulisan baik teoretik maupun empiris yang terkait dengan isu-isu:
1. Manajemen Islam
2. Lembaga Keuangan Islam
3. Fiqh Muamalah dan Aplikasi Keuangan Islam Kontemporer
4. Islamic Microfinance
5. Akuntansi Islam
1. Manajemen Islam
2. Lembaga Keuangan Islam
3. Fiqh Muamalah dan Aplikasi Keuangan Islam Kontemporer
4. Islamic Microfinance
5. Akuntansi Islam
Tata aturan penulisan artikel sesuai dengan
format penulisan TIFBR. Pedoman tersebut dapat di-download melalui
situs: www.lppmtazkia.org. Artikel dapat ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia
maupun bahasa Inggris. Hasil tulisan dikirim alamat redaksi TIFBR
melalui email lppmtazkia@yahoo.com. Setiap artikel yang dikirimkan
disertai dengan nama dan alamat korespondensi penulis. Satu penulis
boleh mengirimkan lebih dari satu artikel.
Kontak Redaksi:
Ries Wulandari, MSi
Nurul Anisa, SEI
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LPPM) Tazkia
Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Tazkia, Bogor
Jl. Raya Darmaga Km 7, Bogor Barat 16680
Telp (0251) 8421-309
Fax (0251) 8421-077
Website: www.lppm.tazkia.ac.id/www.tazkia.ac.id
HP: 081210908847/085718474286
Kontak Redaksi:
Ries Wulandari, MSi
Nurul Anisa, SEI
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LPPM) Tazkia
Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Tazkia, Bogor
Jl. Raya Darmaga Km 7, Bogor Barat 16680
Telp (0251) 8421-309
Fax (0251) 8421-077
Website: www.lppm.tazkia.ac.id/www.tazkia.ac.id
HP: 081210908847/085718474286
Tazkia Islamic Finance and Business Review
(TIFBR) is a bilingual Journal published biannually by the Tazkia
Institute for Research and Community Empowerment (LPPM Tazkia). The
management of the Journal accepts papers and any others relevant
academic and research reports in Islamic finance, business and
Manuscripts submitted should neither have been published nor under consideration by another publication elsewhere, and should be submitted in duplicate to the Editor-in-Chief of the Tazkia Islamic Finance and Business Review (TIFBR), Jl. Raya Darmaga Km 7, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
A paper submitted for publications must conform to the following guidelines:
Manuscripts submitted should neither have been published nor under consideration by another publication elsewhere, and should be submitted in duplicate to the Editor-in-Chief of the Tazkia Islamic Finance and Business Review (TIFBR), Jl. Raya Darmaga Km 7, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
A paper submitted for publications must conform to the following guidelines:
- Titles must be as brief as possible, within the limits of clarity. In general, titles should not exceed fifteen words.
- Abstract is no longer than 200 words, and should be included on a separate sheet following the title page.
- Paper must be double-spaced with Times New Roman; font size of 12 and paper size A4 and on one side of the paper only, length should be minimum 15 and maximum 30 pages.
- Footnote will automatically be converted to endnotes.
- You are required to send your paper in softcopy only.
- The manuscripts should conform to the style described in the JEL Classification, except that journal titles of the reference are not abbreviated.
- Quranic citations should be fully referenced: followed by the name and number of the surah and verse(s), i.e “…..” (al-Baqarah (2): 275).
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