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Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

The 1st International Conference on Islamic Wealth Management

Wealth management as terminology is ‘a comprehensive and cohesive system aimed at protecting and preserving assets, growing and accumulating assets, and transitioning assets, a holistic approach that seeks to coordinate high net worth individuals; needs over their lifetimes with the needs of their families. It is the ability to engage in all aspects of our client’s financial situations. Wealth management is the most attractive and undervalued business for the banking universe in 2013, and global banks with wealth-management divisions. In the current uncertain macro and regulatory environment, wealth management is the only business in banks with low volatility in earnings and high return on equity and one that is less likely to be affected by new regulations. Because of this and other reasons, wealth management should be a big area of structural growth during the next few years for global industry players.
From global economy events of 2008 – the credit cruch, the financial crisis, and the ensuing panic-cast a long shadow into 2010, having destroyed trillions of dollars of wealth. Among the worst hit were retail investors and the segments that bore the brunt were those with the most to lose : the rich and the very rich. Tried and true investmen wisdom failed to counter this historic crisis (Bank Sarasin, 2010).
The Islamic Wealth Management industry, like the coventional financial sector, is facing perhaps its most challenging period and, at the same time, its greatest opportunity, for both investors and service providers (Bank Sarasin, 2010). As ever, understanding the very complex needs of client will be a paramount importance, as will offering solutions that meet or exceed their expectations. Investors, especially the rich, are invariably sophicticated and Islamic investors are no eception. Now, more than ever, clients will be looking for strong and impartial advice.  This could be the opportunity that islamic wealth management industry has been waiting for. It is for those reasons we are pleased to conduct The 1st International Conference on Islamic Wealth Management(ICIWM).

Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

The 1st Islamic Finance and Business Journal

IFBJ  (Islamic Finance and Business Journal) used to be TIFBR (Tazkia Islamic Finance and Business Review), is published by the Institute for Research and Community Empowerment (LPPM) Tazkia University College of Islamic Economics (Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam Tazkia), Bogor, Indonesia.
IFBJ (Islamic Finance and Business Journal) is one of the pioneer of Islamic Economics scientific journals in Indonesia invites graduates students, scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the field of economics, business, and accounting to submit paper to be presented in The 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance Development (ICIEFD) and IFBJ Best Paper Award Seminar 2013.  The theme of the Seminar is  “The Contribution of Islamic Economics Towards Qualified Economy Order”. Potential topics include but are not limited to : Economics, islamic finance, islamic business management, islamic microfinance, study in islamic contemporer, economy development, and issues related to Islamic Economics. Papers are written and presented in English or Bahasa Indonesia.
It is expected that through this conference, participants will exchange experiences and build strong networks for future research, policy discussion, and practical collaboration.

Besforum.com: Forum Belajar Ekonomi Syariah

Kepentingan penyelenggara pendidikan dan peminatnya dengan mudah dapat dipertemukan dalam bentuk sebuah pendidikan yang murah. Pendidikan yang kami maksud di sini tidak semestinya harus berupa pendidikan formal, tetapi pendidikan dalam tujuannya yang paling mendasar yaitu mencerdaskan. Termasuk pendidikan disiplin keislaman dalam pengertiannya yang komprehensif. Pembelajaran ekonomi syariah adalah salah satunya.

Pembelajaran ekonomi syariah mendapatkan tempatnya tersendiri –oleh tim kami- di samping alasan tren juga dikarenakan fakta masih banyak masyarakat muslim yang tidak tersentuh pembelajaran ini dengan berbagai alasannya. Salah satunya adalah biaya pembelajaran ekonomi syariah –dengan segala formatnya- yang kami nilai terlalu mahal sehingga tidak menyentuh kalangan akar rumput.

Dilatarbelakangi oleh hal di atas, Forum Belajar Ekonomi Syariah bekerjasama dengan pelbagai pihak, termasuk di antaranya lembaga Pesantren Al Muta’allimin, Jakarta mencoba mengisi “kekosongan” tersebut dengan menyediakan fasilitas belajar ekonomi syariah yang murah tanpa memurahkan kualitas.

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013


Aam S. Rusydiana[1] & Eko Kurniadi[2]


In 2011, the Government of Indonesia passed UU No. 23 tahun 2011 neighbor centralized management of zakat. This is based on the reality of management of charity that still have not been well integrated in the collection, distribution, and reporting. Passing of the Law No. 23 Year 2011 marked a new era ties between Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) with the Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ). The concept of centralization and coordination, between BAZNAS and LAZ not without its challenges, the pros and cons of Law Act. This paper uses qualitative descriptive analysis method informant interviews with experts to determine the model of the ideal relationship between institutions.
The research includes a model of the relationship between institutions, so that the management system is a national charity can be done anamah, transparent, and professional. In the end, the position of BAZNAS must be independent and as regulator of the management of zakat.

Keyword              : UU No. 23 tahun 2011, Model of Relationship, Centralization, Zakat
JEL                         : A13, D63, E69, H11

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