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Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

International Journal of Excellence in Islamic Banking and Finance: Call for Paper

Journal Overview

The International Journal of Excellence in Islamic Banking and Finance (IJEIBF) strives to enhance excellence in Islamic banking and finance sectors all over the world. It is dedicated to the creation and dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge about the issues of great strategic relevance facing Islamic banking and finance sectors.

The journal is also a forward-looking, interdisciplinary forum for discussing pressing corporate governance and regulatory issues related to these important sectors and will network scholars and practitioners in Islamic banking and finance sectors.

The journal emphasizes evaluative, empirical, critical and ethical inquiry into the dynamics of Islamic banking and finance sectors in interaction with clientele of a diverse multicultural society.

The journal encourages communication and the sharing of experience and expertise between academics and practitioners. Articles are a good mix of theoretical frameworks blended with experiences, best practices and case studies, to ensure practical implications based on sound intellectual and theoretical rigour.


The market for Islamic banking and finance has grown significantly over the past few decades, and this robust expansion is expected to continue for the predictable future. In many markets, the industry has moved forward to become part of the mainstream financial services landscape. At the same time, the competitive landscape is being redrawn, with more Islamic financial service providers in the marketplace than ever before. Incumbent banks and new market entrants are facing vastly different market conditions and need to develop new sources of differentiation beyond compliance with the Shari`ah to compete or remain successful in the future.  

As the competitive intensity increases, the winning players will be those that are able to deploy differentiated capabilities and address the existing challenges unique to this industry. Therefore, there is great need for providing problem-solving perspectives and methodological approaches anchored in excellence. International Journal of Excellence in Islamic Banking and Finance precisely seeks to take up the leadership role in neatly identifying the issues and methodically constructing problem-solving responses to those issues through scientific research.

In order to meet the challenges facing Islamic banking and finance industry, it is pertinent that serious consideration be given by theoreticians and practitioners to identify the problems and issues at the outset and then to find solutions for them. Striking the right balance between theory and practice and to attain commanding heights of excellence is the only way forward. The journal is dedicated to generate research output of direct relevance to decision makers, while meeting the highest standards of academic research.

Key Benefits

The timely launch of International Journal of Excellence in Islamic Banking and Finance reflects the contribution that a scholarly journal can make to enhancing excellence in the areas of Islamic banking, finance and economics. The journal seeks to meet the needs of a wide but sophisticated audience comprising a cross-section of scholars, academics, practitioners, public policymakers, media organizations and multilateral organizations anywhere in the world. Anyone particularly interested in gaining insights into the practice, trends and scenarios would find the journal useful.


Key Journal Audiences

  • University and College Professors
  • Practitioners
  • Media Organizations
  • Government Policymakers 
  • Professional Consultants
  • Multilateral Organizations (World Bank, IMF, UN Agencies)
  • Ordinary People Interested in Islamic banking, finance and economics

By e-Mail

General Inquiries: journals@hbmeu.ac.ae

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