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Rabu, 04 April 2012

Daftar Judul Paper Konferensi (Part)

1 1.Kaffah Thinking in Islamic Economic (2008) download
2 2.The Emergence of Contemporary Islamic Economics: A Sketch of Its Historical Development (2008) download 
3 3.The Nature and Methodology of Islamic Economics: The View of Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr (2008) download 
4 4.The Conscious Oneness: Islamic Economics and Finance (2008) download
5 5.The Role of Ethics on The Scientification of Islamic Economics (2008) download
6 6.In Search of Islamic Theory of Production (2008) download 
7 7.Price Shock in Product Market: Islamic Perspective (2008) download
8 8.Household Consumption Behavior in The Islamic Economic System with Intergenerational Transfers (2008) download
9 9.Fiat and Commodity Money: A Debate Among Scholars (2008) download
10 10.Evolution of Islamic Economic Theory (2008) download
11 11.Towards Integrated Monetary Policy Under Dual Financial System: Interest System vs PLS System (2008) download 
12 12.Types of Financing and Investment-Cash Flow Relationship (2008) download
13 13.Trade Integration and Business Cycle Synchronization in OIC Countries (2008) download
14 14.The Role of Government in An Islamic Economy (2008) download
15 15.Performance of PLS Financing in Islamic Banking: Knowledge-Based View vs Incentive-Based View (2008) download
16 16.Strengthening Islamic Micro-Financing and Micro-Enterprises Development Program (2008) download
17 17.Dynamic Interdependence Between Malaysia and World Major Players in Islamic Equity Markets (2008) download
18 18.The Determinants of FDI Flows in Selected OIC Countries (2008) download
19 19.Analysis Impact of Zakat Fiscal Policy on Economic Growth in Malaysia 1991-2006 (2008) download
20 20.Initial Returns of Malaysian IPOs and Shariah Compliant Status (2008) download
21 21.The Analysis of Determinant Factors of Poverty and Its Effect Toward Economic Development of Islamic Society (2008) download
22 22.Toward Construction Islamic Economic Development Index (2008)
23 23.Obstacles of Research in Islamic Economics (2008) download
24 24.Duality of Sources in Islamic Economics and Its Methodological Consequences (2008) download
25 25.A Proposed Strategic Vision for Future Research in Islamic Economics (2008) download
26 26.Islamic Economics: Current State of Knowledge and Development of the Discipline (2008) download
27 27.The Domain of Islamic Economics: A Discussion (2008) download
28 28.The Experience of the Islamic Foundation UK in Promoting Islamic Economics (2008) download
29 29.Secondary Databases and Their Use in Research in Islamic Economics (2008) download
30 30.Culture of Islamic Economics in Turkey (2008) download
31 31.Appraisal of the Status on Research on Labor Economics in the Islamic Framework (2008) download
32 32.An Evaluation of Research on Monetary Policy and Stability of the Islamic Economic System (2008) download
33 33.Credit Creation and Control: An Unresolved Issue in Islamic Banking (2008) download
34 34.Methods and Methodologies in Fiqh and Islamic Economics (2008) download
35 35.Evaluation of Research Developments on the Islamic Securities/Sukuk (2008) download
36 36.The Ethical Rules for Research in Islamic Economics (2008) download
37 37.Thirty Years of Research on History of Islamic Economic Thought: Assessment and Future Directions (2008) download
38 38.Funding Research in Islamic Economics and Finance (2008) download
39 39.Journey of Islamic Economics in the Modern World (2008) download
40 40.Malaysian Experiences on the Development of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance (2008) download
41 41.Islamic Benchmarking, Alternatif Pengganti Interest Rate (2009) download
42 42.Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran terhadap Ekuitas Merk Bank Syariah (2009) download
43 43.Analisis Pembiayaan Perbankan Syariah dengan Pendekatan Real Option Analysis (2009) download 
44 44.Agriculture Bai Salam Product Financing in Indonesia: Proposed Models (2009) download
45 45.Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kesetiaan Nasabah terhadap Merk Bank Syariah (2009) download
46 46.Do Islamic Banks Need Diversifying or Repackaging Products for Home Financing in Indonesia? (2009) download
47 47.Optimalisasi Kemitraan Perbankan Syariah-LKMS dalam Mengembangkan UMKM serta Dampaknya terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi (2009) download
48 48.Preferensi Atribut dan Perilaku Konsumen Kartu Kredit Syariah (2009) download
49 49.Implementasi M2M dalam Sosialisasi Perbankan Syariah pada Masyarakat Indonesia (2009) download
50 50.Pembinaan UMKM melalui Kemitraan Bank Syariah dengan BMT (2009) download
51 51.Coopetitive Pembiayaan Perbankan Syariah pada UMKM: Sebuah Studi Interpretatif (2009) download
52 52.Kendala Informasi pada Pembiayaan Bank Syariah (2009) download
53 53.Monetary Policy in Islamic Economic Framework, Case of Islamic Republic of Iran (2007) download
54 54.Periodical Division of Mudharaba Profit and the Juristic Response: The Case of the Iranian Banks and Joint Stock Companies (2007) download
55 55.The Development of Corporate Governance Implementation: A Case of BIMB (2007) download
56 56.Islamic Justification of Credit Derivatives for Managing Credit Risk in Islamic Banks (2007) download
57 57.Human Development From Islamic Doctrine Perspective (2007) download
58 58.Banking for The Poor: The Role of Islamic Banking in Microfinance Initiatives (2007) download
59 59.A Comparative Study on Fixed Deposit Profit Rate versus Interest Rate among Islamic and Conventional Banking: (2007) download
60 60.Malaysia's Economic Development and Policy: Islamic and Conventional Bank Deposits in Malaysia (2007) download
61 61.Measuring Performance of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) in Eradication Poverty (2007) download
62 62.Factors Influencing the Performance of Shariah Compliance Companies (2007) download
63 63.Islamic Banking in Iran from Theory to Practice (2007) download
64 64.Displaced Commercial Risk in Islamic Banking: The Case of Indonesia (2007) download
65 65.The Performance of Pakistani Islamic Bank During 1999-2006: An Exploratory Study (2007) download
66 66.Customer Perception towards Service Quality Attributes and Demographic Factors: The Case of Islamic Banks (2007) download
67 67.The Market for Islamic Lemon: Adverse Selection, Market Mechanism and Credit Constraint in Dual Banking System (2007) download
68 68.An Empirical Investigation of the An Ar-Rahnu Shop Acceptance Model (2007) download
69 69.Developing Strategies for Islamic Banks to Face the Future Challenges of Financial Globalization (2007) download
70 70.Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks on Bank Loans: A Comparison between Islamic and Conventional Bank Loans in Malaysia (2007) download
71 71.Deposit Mobilization, Fund Utilization and Operating Performance: the Case of the Tabung Haji Malaysia (2007) download
72 72.Optimizing 'Uqud in Financial Services for the SMEs (2007) download
73 73.Tourism Industry in the Islamic Countries: Potentials and Limitations (2007) download
74 74.Environmental Issues and Islamic Economics: Nature and Solutions (2007) download
75 75.Trade Policy Integration: Does OIC Need It? (2007) download
76 76.The Criteria of a Centre of an International Islamic Capital Market: Perceptions of Banking and Finance Managers in Malaysia (2007) download
77 77.The Prospect of Islamic Banking: Lesson from the 1997 Banking Crisis in Malaysia (2007) download
78 78.The Determinants of Demand of Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad: ARDL Approach to Cointegration (2007) download
79 79.Beneficieries in Family Takaful under Takaful Malaysia in Context Contemporary Economic Reality (2007) download
80 80.Impact of FDI on Economic Growth in Islamic Countries (2007) download
81 81.Why Do Islamic Banks tend to Avoid Profit Loss Sharing Arrangements? (2007) download
82 82.An Exploratory Research on the Perceptions of CSR on Government-Linked Companies (2007) download
83 83.Causal Relationship among Interest Rates, Stock Prices and Exchange Rates during Crisis 1997 (2007) download
84 84.Optimum Monetary Policy under Dual Financial System (2007) download
85 85.The Profile of MSME in Indonesia and the Strategy to Enhance Islamic Financial Services through BMT (2007) download
86 86.The Competitiveness of Islamic Banks within Indonesian Dual Banking System (2007) download
87 87.An Analysis on Selected Fundamental Concepts in Islamic Economics (2007) download
88 88.Islamic Economics: Conceptualising Knowledge as an Economic Resource (2007) download
89 89.A Comparative Analysis of Distributive Justice in Islamic and Non-Islamic Frameworks (2007) download
90 90.The Role of Zakat Institutions in Enhancing Zakat Collection: A Case of Malaysia (2007) download
91 91.Measuring the Economic Performance of Islamic Banks in Palestine (2007) download
92 92.The Theory of Consumer Behavior: Conventional vs Islamic (2007) download
93 93.An Islamic Review of the Mainstream Framework for Project Evaluation (2007) download
94 94.Analisis Persepsi Pengaruh Pendapatan Bank Syariah terhadap Bagi Hasil Tabungan Mudharabah pada Bank Syariah "A" (2006) download
95 95.Analisis Risiko Harga Saham Syariah Menggunakan Daily Earning at Risk (2006) download
96 96.Efisiensi dan Skala Ekonomi pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia Pasca Krisis Ekonomi (2006) download
97 97.Financial Performance Analysis of Islamic Microfinance Institutions (2006) download
98 98.Mempertanyakan Kebenaran Paradigma Hubungan Bunga, Investasi (Kredit) dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Pendekatan Teori dan Empiris (2006) download
99 99.Mengevaluasi Kinerja Perbankan Syariah: Peran Intermediasi Perbankan Syariah di Jawa Barat (2006) download
100 100.Mengukur Efisiensi Bank Syariah di Indonesia dengan DEA (2006) download
101 101.Obligasi Syariah untuk Pembiayaan Infrastruktur: Tantangan dan Inisiatif Strategis (2006) download
102 102.Pemetaan Potensi Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia dan Strategi Pengembangannya (2006) download
103 103.Penerapan Standar Akuntansi pada Transaksi Murabahah di BPRS "A" (2006) download
104 104.Peran Akuntansi dalam Menyehatkan Lembaga Pengelola Dana Umat Islam (2006) download
105 105.Strategi Pengembangan Bank Syariah melalui Office Channelling (2006) download
106 106.Conceptualisation of the Second Best Solution in Overcoming the Social Failure of Islamic Finance: Homoislamicus (2007) download
107 107.Making Development Assistance Sustainable through Islamic Microfinance (2007) download
108 108.Comparing the Efficiency of Islamic Banks in Malaysia and Indonesia (2007) download
109 109.Determinants of Islamic Banking Efficiency in Malaysia (2007) download
110 110.Cost, Revenue and Profit Efficiency of Conventional vs Islamic Banks: Evidence from the Middle East (2007) download
111 111.Efficiency of Islamic and Conventional Commercial Banks in Malaysia: A DEA Study (2007) download 
112 112.Agency Problems in Mudharabah Financing: The Case of Sharia (Rural) Banks, Indonesia (2007) download
113 113.Microcrediting in Islam: Islamic Micro-Financial Institutions (2007) download
114 114.Islamic Microfinance: Outreach and Sustainability (2007) download
115 115.Analysis of Banking Service Quality Perception: A Comparative Study for Islamic and Conventional Banks (2007) download
116 116.Measuring the Perceived Service Quality: An Empirical Study of Islamic Banks in the UAE (2007) download
117 117.Establishing Consumers Level of Awareness and Attitude towards Islamic Banking in Singapore (2007) download
118 118.Islamic Investment Funds in the UK: Exploring the Demand and Assessing the Supply (2007) download
119 119.The Application of al-Qawa'id al-Fiqhiyyah in the Area of Islamic Economics (2007) download
120 120.The Challenges of Realizing Maqhasid al-Shari'ah in Islamic Banking and Finance (2007) download
121 121.A Critique of Islamic Banking and Finance:Harmonization of Fatawa (Islamic Opinions) and the Nature of Modern Economic Life (2007) download
122 122.Islamic Financial Product Development: Shariah Analysis (2007) download
123 123.Challenges in Implementing Capital Adequacy Guidelines: A Case Study of an Islamic Bank (2007) download
124 124.Establishing the Need and Suggesting a Strategy to Develop PLS Islamic Banking (2007) download
125 125.Perceptions and Attitudes towards Islamic Banking & Finance Evidence from Australia (2007) download
126 126.Awareness of AAOIFI Accounting Standards in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2007) download
127 127.Implementation of the Islamic Letter of Credit in International Trade (2007) download
128 128.The Performance of Islamic Banking: A Maqasid Approach (2007) download
129 129.Organised Tawarruq in Islamic Law: A Study of Organised Tawarruq as Practised in the Financial Institutions in Saudi Arabia (2007) download
130 130.How Attractive Is A Shariah Index Fund? (2007) download
131 131.Evaluating Firms in Financial Failure in Malaysia: A Case of Shariah Compliant Stocks (2007) download
132 132.Determinants of Islamic Banks Deposits in Indonesia: An ARDL Modeling Approach (2007) download 
133 133.Islamic Mutual Funds: How Do They Compare with Other Religiously -Based and Ethically- Based Mutual Funds? (2007) download
134 134.Evaluating Islamic Banking: Beyond Shariah Compliance to Achieving Shariah Objectives (2007) download
135 135.The Controllability and Reliability of Monetary Policy in Dual Banking System (2007) download
136 136.Malaysia as an International Islamic Financial Centre: Development and Prospect (2007) download
137 137.Ensuring Exchange Rate Stability: Is Return to Gold (Dinar) Possible, Can It Help? (2007) download
138 138.Current Developments of Corporate Governance in Islamic Banking and Finance (2007) download
139 139.Governance Committee and Governance Audit Model in Islamic Banks: How will it Resolve the Problem of Information Asymmetry? (2007) download
140 140.Debt Default Probability, Asset Diversification and New Capital Accord: Implication for Islamic Banks (2007) download
141 141.Risk Return Analysis of Islamic Banks Investment Deposits and Shareholders Fund (2007) download
142 142.Shariah Compliance of Islamic Banking: A Comparison Between Malaysia and Indonesia (2007) download
143 143.Issues in Fiqh Zakat: Implications for Islamic Banking and Finance (2007) download
144 144.The Internal Sharia Supervision Activities in Islamic Bank: A Case Study at BPRS Bakti Makmur Indah Sidoarjo Indonesia (2007) download
145 145.Roles of the Islamic Financial Institution in Combating Money Laundering: Legal and Shariah Perspectives (2007) download
146 146.The Institution of Waqf: A Non-Profit Institution to Financing the Needy Sectors (2007) download
147 147.Islamic Financial Innovation: Pricing via Variable Rate Financing in Malaysian Islamic Banks (2007) download
148 148.Waqf through Sukuk al-Intifa'a: A Proposed Generic Model (2007) download
149 149.Significance of Sukuk Securitization for Banks Structuring for Risk Regulation and Pricing (2007) download
150 150.Mencandera Industri Perbankan Syariah Indonesia: Tinjauan Kritis Pasca UU 21 Tahun 2008 (2008) download
151 151.Mekanisme Transmisi Syariah pada Sistem Moneter Ganda di Indonesia (2009) download
152 152.Mengkritisi Bank Berbasis Bagi Hasil (2009) download
153 153.Telaah Pemikiran Ekonomi Maqrizi tentang Inflasi (2009) download
154 154.Peran Perbankan Syariah dalam Mendorong Agro Investasi (2009) download
155 155.Hubungan Antara Perdagangan Internasional, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Perkembangan Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia (2009) download
156 156.Determinan Inflasi Indonesia, Perbandingan Pendekatan Islam dan Konvensional (2009) download
157 157.Mengurai Masalah Pengembangan Sukuk Korporasi di Indonesia: Pendekatan Metode Analytic Network Process (2010) download 
158 158.Transmission Mechanism on Dual Monetary System in Indonesia: Comparison between Shariah and Conventional Monetary Instruments (2010) download
159 159.Peranan Ekonomi Syariah dalam Pembangunan Daerah (2010) download
160 160.What is the Future Outlook of Shariah Harmonization (2010) download
161 161.Krisis Ekonomi dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (2011) download
162 162.Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Miskin a la Grameen: Sebuah Kritik Ekonomi Islam (2011) download
163 163.Pasar Persaingan Sempurna dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (2011) download
164 164.Perkembangan Pasar Sukuk: Perbandingan Malaysia, Indonesia dan Dunia (2011) download
165 165.Relevansi Konsep Mata Uang Al-Ghazali dengan Pemikiran Ekonomi Modern (2011) download
166 166.Jihad Iqtishadi yang Bersinambungan (2011) download
167 167.Keuangan Syariah Global: Latar Belakang, Dorongan Politik dan Perkembangan Pemikiran (2011) download
168 168.A Review of Commodity Murabahah Transaction as Offered by Bursa Malaysia: A Critical Analysis from Fiqh Perspective (2010) download
169 169.A Study on CSR Disclosure in Islamic Financial Institutions: A Case of Malaysia (2010) download
170 170.The Application of Wadiah in Islamic Institutions and its role In Eradication of Proverty and Income Inequality (2010) download
171 171.Banking for the Poor: The Role of Islamic Banking in Indonesia as Microfinance Institution through Koperasi (2010) download
172 172.Banking with Gold Dinar: A Way Forward to Uplife the Ummah Economy (2010) download 
173 173.Cash Waqf: An Innovative Instrument for Economic Development (2010) download 
174 174.Developing an Islamic Micro-Investment Model (IMIM) as an Alternative to Conventional Microfinance in Nigeria (2010) download
175 175.Financial Constraints and Islamic Finance: External Financing Perspective (2010) download
176 176.Financing Facilities Provided by Malaysia Islamic Banking to Agro Entrepreneurs (2010) download
177 177.Government Sources of Financing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Malaysia (2010) download
178 178.Human and Nature: The Islamic Ethical Foundation of Sustainable Development (2010) download
179 179.The Application of Ibra and Muqasah to House Financing Contracts (2010) download
180 180.Incorporating CSR into Sustainable Financial Performance of Islamic Banks in Malaysia (2010) download
181 181.Islamic Development Bank, Foreign Aid and the Challenges for Sustainable Development in Africa (2010) download
182 182.Islamic Banking and Finance Today: Issues and Implications (2010) download
183 183.Justice-Based Economic Model: Proposal for Malaysian Economic Transformation Program (2010) download
184 184.Leading Factors in Market Risk Assessments (2010) download
185 185.Loan in Islamic Banking Scheme: Performance and Effect on Output in Malaysia (2010) download
186 186.Microfinance, Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria: Proposal for a Maqasid ash-Shariah Based (MSB) Model (2010) download
187 187.Alleviating Poverty through Sukuk, Zakat and Waqf (2010) download
188 188.Premium Savings Certificate (PSC) of Bank Simpanan Nasional Malaysia: Shariah Issues and Solutions (2010) download
189 189.Prudent Development of Shariah Parameters Murabahah Contract, BNM: Muslims Awareness on its Maqasidi Implication on Murabahah Contract (2010) download
190 190.Relationships between Competitive Priorities and Competitive Advantage among Real Estate Firms in Dubai (2010) download
191 191.The Role of Waqf in Sustainable Development of the Ummah (2010) download
192 192.Size and Shariah Compliance of Equity Financing (2010) download
193 193.Sustainable Development in Muslim Countries: Identifying Development Principles and Policy Directions in the Light of Maqasid Shariah (2010) download
194 194.Testing the Performance Measures Based on Maqasid Shariah (PMMS) Model on 24 Selected Islamic and Conventional Banks (2010) download
195 195.The Behavior of Bank Customers towards the Level of Services Provided by Islamic Banks in Pakistan (2010) download
196 196.The Economic Motive of Man: An Analysis of Ibn Sina's Theory on Economics (2010) download
197 197.Indonesian Islamic Bank Consumer: The Hero, The Dupe, The Snob or The Social Responsible? (2010) download
198 198.The Implementation of BASEL II by Islamic Banks: The Case of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (2010) download
199 199.The Information Quality for Sustainable Development: The Malaysian Experience (2010) download
200 200.The Issues of Guaranteeing the Investment Deposits by Islamic Banks from the Perspective of the Maqasid Shariah (2010) download
201 201.The Issues of Islamic Finance Development on Post-Soviet Area (2010) download
202 202.The Role of Gold in Financial Investment: A Malaysian Perspective (2010) download
203 203.The Role of Islamic Stock Market in the Monetary Transmission Process in the Indonesian Economy (2010) download
204 204.The Determinants of World Islamic Banks Efficiency and the Impact of 1998 and 2008 Financial Crisis (2010) download
205 205.The Distribution of Zakat towards al-Muallaf in Malaysia: An Introduction to Maqasid al-Shariah (2010) download
206 206.Islamic Economics and Finance: Where Do They Stand? (2005) download
207 207.Redistributive Justice in a Developed Economy: An Islamic Perspective (2005) download
208 208.Necessary Legal Reforms to Create Legal Basis for Effective Islamic Asset Securitization (Sukuk) in Indonesia (2005) download
209 209.Analysis on the Feasibility Study of Musharakah Mutanaqisah Implementation in Indonesian Islamic Banks (2005) download
210 210.Risk Measurement and Disclosure in Islamic Finance and the Implications of Profit Sharing Investment Accounts (2005) download 
211 211.Transparency and Market Discipline in Islamic Banks (2005) download
212 212.An Inquiry into Alternative Models of Islamic Banking (2005) download
213 213.Evaluation of Islamic Banking Performance: On the Current Use of Econometric Models (2005) download
214 214.Non-Interest Resource Mobilization for Public Capital Projects: The Use of Islamic Endogenous Loans (2005) download
215 215.Islamic Investment: Evidence from Dow Jones and FTSE Indices (2005) download
216 216.An Evaluation of Special Finance Houses: A Case Study on Turkey (2005) download
217 217.A Design for Islamic Banking Rating System: An Integrated Approach (2005) download
218 218.Banking on Islam? Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (2005) download
219 219.Stakeholders Perceptions of CSR of Islamic Banks: Evidence from Malaysian Economy (2005) download
220 220.Evaluating the 'Social Responsibility' of Islamic Finance: Learning from the Experiences of Socially Responsible Investment Funds (2005) download
221 221.Islamic Banking Consumer Behavior in Indonesia: A Qualitative Approach (2005) download
222 222.Measuring Depositors Behavior of Malaysian Islamic Banking System: A Cointegration Approach (2005) download
223 223.Reviewing the Concept of Shares: Towards A Dynamic Legal Perspective (2005) download
224 224.Speculative Capital: An Islamic View (2005) download
225 225.Islamic Law, Adaptability and Financial Development (2005) download
226 226.The Quantum Enigma and Islamic Sciences of Nature: Implications for Islamic Economic Theory (2005) download
227 227.A Study on the Possibility of Mosque Institution Running a Micro-Credit Programme Based on the Grameen Bank Group Lending Model: The Case of Mosque Institution in Kelantan, Malaysia (2005) download
228 228.Islamic Financial Thought and Chinese Moslem's Financial Behaviour (2005) download
229 229.Basel II and Capital Requirements for Islamic Banks (2005) download
230 230.Cyclical Patterns in Profits, Provisioning and Lending of Islamic Banks and Procyclicality of the New Basel Capital Requirements (2005) download
231 231.Basel II: Implications for Islamic Banking (2005) download
232 232.Securitization, Sukuk and Fund Management Potential to be Realized by Islamic Financial Institutions (2005) download
233 233.Sukuk: A Panacea for Convergence and Capital Market Development in the OIC Countries (2005) download
234 234.Income Ratio and the Risk-sharing Structure of Optimal Contracts: The Break-even Theory of Mudharabah (2005) download
235 235.Riba versus Profit in An Exchange Economy: Conceptual Foundations for Stable Financial System in Islamic Perspectives (2005) download
236 236.Teaching of Islamic Economics (2005) download
237 237.Towards the Revival of Awqaf: A Few Fiqhi Issues to Reconsider () download
238 238.Supply Side or Producer Behavior () download
239 239.Sustainable Development in the Moslem Countries (2002) download
240 240.Treatment of Excess Liquidity in the Arab Gambian Islamic Bank () download
241 241.Use of Usufruct Bonds in Financing Public Utilities (1998) download
242 242.Waqf: A Quick Overview () download
243 243.Waqf and Its Sociopolitical Aspects () download
244 244.Zakah and Prohibition of Riba in the Islamic Economics System () download
245 245.Zakah Estimation in some Muslim Countries () download
246 246.Infaq in the Islamic Economic System () download
247 247.Innovation and Risk Management in Islamic Finance: Shariah Considerations (2006) download
248 248.Treatment of Excess Liquidity in the Arab Gambian Islamic Bank () download
249 249.Financing Community Islamic Activities and Preserving the Muslim Public Properties in North America (2002) download
250 250.Identifying some Economic Problems of the Muslim Community in North America and Preliminary Thoughts on Their Solution (1999) download
251 251.Introduction to the Study of the Economics of Zakah () download
252 252.Economics of Liability: An Islamic View () download
253 253.Islamic Banks at the Threshold of the Third Millenium () download
254 254.Awqaf of the Muslim Community in the Western Countries: A Preliminary Thoughts on Reconciling the Shariah Principles with the Laws of the Land (2000) download
255 255.Demand Side or Consumer Behavior () download
256 256.Islamic Banks: The Rise of A New Power Alliance of Wealth and Shariah Scholarship (2001) download
257 257.Islamic Banking and Development: An Alternative Banking Concept? (1998) download
258 258.Financing International Trade: An Islamic Alternative () download
259 259.Allocation of Output to Factors of Production and the Implicit Islamic Concept of Market Justice (2002) download
260 260.Financing the Development of Awqaf Property (1998) download
261 261.Economic Role of State in Islam (1991) download
262 262.Instruments and Alternatives of Public Debts in Islamic Economy (1992) download
263 263.Budget Deficit and Instruments of Public Borrowing in Islamic System () download 
264 264.Lifting Barriers in Financing the Small and Poor Entrepreneurs: Lesson from Group-Based Lending Scheme and Ibn Khaldun's Social Solidarity (2008) download
265 265.A Standard of CSR for Islamic Financial Institutions: A Preliminary Study (2008) download
266 266.Financing Micro and Medium Sized Enterprises through Decreasing Partnership (Musharakah Mutanaqisah): Refining Shariah and Banking Aspects for Enhanced Applicability (2008) download
267 267.Islamic Micro-finance Practice with a Particular Reference to Financing Entrepreneurs through Equity Participation Contracts in Sudanese Banks (2008) download
268 268.Agency Problems in Mudarabah Financing: The Case of Shariah (Rural) Banks in Indonesia (2008) download
269 269.Application of Islamic Banking Instrument (Bay Salam) for Agriculture Financing in Pakistan (2008) download
270 270.Gharzul Hasaneh Financing and Institutions (2008) download
271 271.Murabahah Mode of Financing for Micro and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Case Study of Baitul Maal wat Tamwil, Yogyakarta Indonesia (2008) download
272 272.A Comparative Study of the Relative Efficiency of Conventional and Islamic Pawnshop (2008) download
273 273.Village Funds: The Experience of Rural Community Development at Jabal al Hoss, Syria (2008) download
274 274.The Role of RDS in the Development of Women Entrepreneurship under Islamic Microfinance: A Case Study of Bangladesh (2008) download
275 275.Islamic Micro and Medium Sized Enterprises Finance: The Case Study of Australia (2008) download
276 276.Tax Engineering Pertaining to Zakah and Waqf for Poverty Alleviation and Micro-financing in South Africa (2008) download
277 277.The Role of Zakat Organization in Empowering the Peasantry: A Case Study of the Rumah Zakat Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2008) download
278 278.The Need to Educate Muslims on Islamic Financial Principles and Practises: A Step towards Fertilizing MME in the Islamic World (2008) download
279 279.Building Capacity of Micro and Medium Enterprises through Spirituality Training (2008) download
280 280.The Accountability of Islamic Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Indonesia (2008) download
281 281.The Role of Indonesian Government in Enhancing Islamic Financing for Small and Medium Enterprises (2008) download
282 Agriculture Bai Assalam Product Financing in Indonesia, Proposed Model
283 Peranan Perbankan Syariah dalam Perkembangan UMKM Indonesia, Sistem Bagi Hasil
284 Konsep College Bank Affiliation
285 Majelis Taklim sebagai Bentuk Sosialisasi Perbankan Syariah
286 Pembiayaan Pembangunan Pasar berbasis Syariah
287 Islamic Benchmarking, Alternatif Pengganti Interest Rate
288 Pengukuran Anteseden Niat Beli Produk Keuangan Syariah
289 Coopetitive Pembiayaan Perbankan Syariah pada UMKM, Sebuah Studi Interpretatif
290 Sosialisasi Perbankan Syariah di Lembaga Pendidikan
291 Model Pemasaran Produk Perbankan Syariah berbasis Pendidikan
292 Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kesetiaan Nasabah terhadap Merk Bank Syariah
293 Do Islamic Banks Need Diversifying or Repackaging Products for Home Financing in Indonesia
294 Strategi Promosi Efektif Perbankan Syariah dengan Penyaluran ZIS Konsep CSR
295 Strategi Meningkatkan Pangsa Pasar dengan Bauran Pemasaran Syariah
296 Marketing Strategic of Spin Off sebagai Solusi Promosi Perbankan Syariah
297 Optimalisasi Kemitraan Perbankan Syariah thd LKMS dalam Mengembangkan UMKM
298 Office Channeling sebagai Strategi Pemasaran Perbankan Syariah
299 Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran terhadap Ekuitas Merk Bank Syariah
300 Preferensi Atribut dan Perilaku Konsumen Kartu Kredit Syariah
301 Revitalisasi Piutang Murabahah, Inovasi Produk Perbankan Syariah
302 Channeling dalam Akad Mudharabah Muqayyadah
303 Strategi Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah melalui Marketing Mix
304 Peluang Pemasaran Relasional terhadap Penambahan Simpanan di Bank Syariah
305 Implementasi M2M dalam Sosialisasi Perbankan Syariah pada Masyarakat Indonesia
306 Analisis Pembiayaan Perbankan Syariah dengan Pendekatan Real Option Analysis
307 Kendala Informasi pada Pembiayaan Bank Syariah
308 Implementasi Akad Muzaraah pada Perbankan Syariah Sektor Pertanian
309 Heart-share Perspektif Pemasaran Perbankan Syariah
310 Strategi Pemasaran Bank Syariah berbasis Enam Gaya Hidup
311 Pembinaan UMKM melalui Kemitraan Bank Syariah dengan BMT
312 Comparing the Efficiency of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Malaysia and Indonesia
313 The Lack of PLS Financing in Indonesian Islamic Banks
314 Mengukur Efisiensi Bank Syariah di Indonesia dengan DEA
315 Pemetaan Potensi Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia dan Strategi Pengembangannya
316 Redefine MSME Classification and the Potency of BMT as Intermediary Institutions in Indonesia
317 Optimum Monetary Policy under Dual Financial System
318 The Competitiveness of Islamic Banks within Indonesian Dual Banking System
319 The Profile of MSME in Indonesia and the Strategy to Enhance Islamic Financial Services through BMT
320 Comparing the Development of Islamic Financial Markets in Malaysia dan Indonesia
321 Demand for Money and Monetary Stability under Dual Financial System in Indonesia
322 Towards Integrated Monetary Policy under Dual Financial System
323 Positioning Analysis of Islamic Bank vs Conventional Bank in Indonesia Using Parametric SFA and DFA
324 Permintaan Uang dan Stabilitas Moneter dalam Sistem Keuangan Ganda di Indonesia
325 Forgotten Root Causes of the Crisis
326 Lesson Learned from Repeated Financial Crises, An Islamic Economic Perspective
327 The Future of Dual Monetary Policy in the Light of Global Financial Crises, The Case of Indonesia
328 Formulation of Conventional and Islamic Financial Stability Indices under Dual Financial System 
329 The Role of Islamic Stock Market in the Monetary Transmission Process in the Indonesian Economy
330 Roles of Islamic Banking in Economic Development, The Case of Indonesia
331 Roles of Indonesia's Islamic Banking in Achieving Macroeconomic Objectives
332 How to Eradicate Inflation under Dual Monetary System, The Case of Indonesia
333 The Persistance of Low PLS Financing in Indonesia's Islamic Banking

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