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Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

The 1st International JIMF Call for Papers

Surabaya, East Java - INDONESIA, November 5-6, 2015

In order to accommodate the need for increasing demand of knowledge and development of Islamic finance practices, Bank Indonesia officially launches Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance (JIMF) on August 6, 2015. JIMF is a peer-reviewed biannual journal, which is set to be published in August and February.
The development of Islamic economics and finance is not only concern with commercial aspects, but also it concerns with social aspects, such as zakah, infaq, shadaqah, and waqf.
Therefore, the integration between the social and commercial sector hopefully can provide significant leverage for poverty alleviation, financial access, and financial system stability. For the above reasons, JIMF raises such concern on its 1st International JIMF Call for Papers. The 1st JIMF Call for Papers constitutes one of the event series of Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) on 5-6 November 2015 in Surabaya, East Java-INDONESIA.

The themes of the conference cover but not limited to the followings:
1. Zakah, Waqf, and Financial Inclusion;
2. Corporate Waqf;
3. Zakah and Waqf for Microfinance and MSME Empowerment;
4. Islamic Financial Instrument for Waqf Optimalization;
5. Zakah and Waqf to Enhance the Resilience of Financial Stability;
6. Zakah and Waqf Accounting and Governance; and
7. Zakah and Tax deduction Policy: Experience from Selected Countries.

Open Submission: August 6, 2015
Deadline for Full Paper: October 2, 2015
Acceptance Notification: October 23, 2015
Date for Conference: November 5-6, 2015

All submissions include with curriculum vitae
Language: English
Writing Format:
- Full paper should not exceed 35 pages, size A4, 1.5 spacing, times new roman with font size 12;
- Symbols and equations must be written using microsoft equation; and
- We encourage authors to write their references using references application (Mendeley, Refworks, Zatero, etc).
All files should be sent to: jimf@bi.go.id and Cc. to journal.jimf@gmail.com

This conference is aimed as a meeting and sharing of minds among academicians, researchers, and practitioners. Authors of the accepted papers will be covered for hotel accommodation during the conference, but not for round-trip ticket (tentative).

The author of the accepted paper will receive editorial comments for improvement at the presentation sessions. The papers presented at the conference will be reviewed for consideration to publish in Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance (JIMF) Bank Indonesia.

Dr. Ascarya (ascarya@bi.go.id)
Dr. Rifki Ismal (rifki@bi.go.id)
Mrs. Siti Rahmawati (s_rahmawati@bi.go.id)
Mr. Dimas B.W. Kusuma (dkusuma1685@gmail.com)
Sjafruddin Prawiranegara Tower, 21th Floor
Jl. MH Thamrin No.2 – Jakarta 10350, Indonesia
Phone. +62-21-2981 4933 / Fax. +62-21-3524 484

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