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Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Sharia Economics Conference 2013

February 9, 2013
Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Germany

It is a great pleasure to invite you to submit your research paper and attend the Sharia Economics Conference 2013, to be held in Hannover, February 9, 2013.

We seek proposals that examine the relevance of sharia economics in the turbulence of global economy. We look forward to offering a forum for innovative and problem-solving-based presentations that explore the failure of recent economics system and the bright future of sharia economics. We invite broad and innovative papers from researchers and students from any countries, in disciplines such as economy, finance, management and policy, sustainable development, government studies, theology, history, technology, natural resources management, or education as well as practitioners, social activist, and scholars. 

We consider papers with a wide range of topics classified into two major themes as following:
1.  Lesson taken from our failure in the world economy and Muslim countries
     This topic includes but not limited to:
  • The global financial crisis
  • The Arab spring
  • The world gap and terrorism
  • Food insecurity, poverty and inequality
  • The externalities of foreign aids in Muslim countries
  • Environmental degradation
  • Corruption
  • Misleading development and economic policies 
2.  Sharia economics for a better world economy
      This topic includes but not limited to
  • Principles and ethics on sharia economics
  • The difference between sharia economics and conventional economics
  • The comprehensive concept of sharia economics
  • Dinar and Dirham
  • Sharia microfinance and Sharia banking
  • Sharia economics on natural resource management
  • Sharia economics on development and poverty reduction policies
  • Promoting good governance under sharia economics
Important dates:
27 November 2012 
25 December 2012
5 January 2013
7 January 2013
26 January 2013
2 February 2013
9 February 2013 
Open of call of abstract (outline paper)
Deadline of outline paper submission
Notification of accepted outline paper
Registration open for prospective author(s)
Deadline of full paper submission
Registration closed
Conference date

We would like your kindness to forward this Call for Papers to your colleagues/students. 
Looking forward to meet you in SEC013, Hannover-Germany. 

Sincerely yours,

SEC2013 Organizing Committee

2 komentar:

  1. Terima kasih infonya. Agak terlambat tahu, tapi tetap bersyukur ada kegiatan semacam ini di negara seperti Jerman.


    Yuli Andriansyah, Prodi Ekonomi Islam, FIAI, UII

  2. Sama-sama Pak Yuli. Memang infonya baru datang ke kami. Insya Allah, setiap ada conference/call paper ekonomi Islam, akan kami kabari melalui weblog ini.

    Aam S. Rusydiana - SMART Consulting


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