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Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012


JURNAL DIALOG KEMENAG, No 070, Nopember 2010

Title: What is The Future Outlook of Shariah Harmonization?

Writer: Muhammad Syafii Antonio & Aam S. Rusydiana

This paper at first looks into the needs for harmonization in this turbulence and uncertain markets and economic condition. Market changes are among the prominent factors that leads to harmonization; and it is also the leading issue that Islamic finance industry will have to deal with in the near future. Then this brief paper dwells with the direction of harmonization efforts in the Islamic finance industry. No doubt that harmonization is not a panacea for problems faced by Islamic finance, rather it is a journey that we must take to propel and advance this endeavour. 

Keywords: Islamic Finance, Shariah Harmonization, IFSB, Islamic Fiqh Academy, AAOIFI

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